Thursday, October 9, 2008


Don't worry, I have just what this stupid blog needs:

Last night, I was lucky enough to participate in the Introduction to Butchery class at The Healthy Butcher on Queen Street West. It was fucking awesome. I was one of a group of ten civilian foodie-types who were let in to the back room at the shop after hours to watch as two ruddy lads took apart a pig and a lamb, and rendered them into their constituent commercial cuts. It was a rare glimpse into a seldom-seen world (at least for me), and it was fascinating.

Of course, I had a camera with me.

Some Pig!

I didn't catch the pig's name, but on the left is Paul, head butcher, and on the right is Paulis, who used to cook at Canoe (among other places) and is spending some time learning the animal-chopping-up trade. The Healthy Butcher is all about serving organically-raised, local meat, and they are serious about using the whole animal, not just the usual grocery-store cuts. I learned a lot about the less-common, cheaper, and tastier bits, all of which are available at the store.

They cut a couple of butt chops (which, to my surprise, actually come from the shoulder of the beast) and cooked them for us. These we hungrily devoured, leaning up against the bloody table, while we watched them finish up the rest of the job. Fucking righteous.

Next up, the sacrificial lamb (they had removed the head already so we wouldn't be fighting over the eyes):

Bones are no match for the trusty hacksaw:

And then the familiar frenched rack of lamb:

I have to say, I was impressed with these dudes. They are committed to their trade, fucking well skilled with a knife (they never once turned on the band saw!) and serious about promoting a more ethical, sustainable and healthy approach to eating meat. And I gotta say - I'll pay twice as much per pound at the Healthy Butcher and eat half as much, and be happy doing it, because it tastes soooooo much better.

In two weeks I go back for the sausage-making course. I will report back with lots of pictures of tasty meat being stuffed into tasty intestines. Bon appetit!

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