Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weird sightings

Okay, I'm sure the intent of this blog wasn't to blast former employers but frankly this had to be said....

So I was browsing Glass Door this evening and found something I simply cannot believe. There apparently is an engineer in Mississauga that is so enamoured with Logitech that he can find absolutely nothing wrong with it - a 5.0 rating!

Either this guy (gal?) likes taking it up the ass, or one of the idiot managers is masquerading as an employee. I suspect the latter, though I will say it is reasonably well-worded.

I really shouldn't be too surprised. I guess I tipped my hand when I blasted the idiot manager about how the evidence on the site indicates a wild discrepancy between the managerial view of things and the engineerial view of things (yeah. engineerial. I just made it up. It's mine.... but you can get a limited license on it for a pint)

I'm sure that if I thought about it I could find a couple of names that might fit the bill, but to be honest, even my so-called arch-nemesis isn't that well-written. Then again, neither are the managers. Still, I smell a rat....
... though it occurs to me that Manny could be having some fun at our expense, but I'm disinclined to believe that one because I think he's more likely to go way, way, waaaaay over the top. Still, that would be pretty funny.
Maybe I'll go in posing as a manager who hates all the engineers with their superiority complexes.... heh

Ah well, I guess I should take solace in the knowledge that "1 of 2 people found my review helpful". I think I'll take credit for the next departure ... hehe

The good news is that I don't have to care anymore, the bad news is that I sort of feel bad for the few smart people that are still there. Then again, if they are smart they won't last long unless someone starts getting their gently caressing© shit together.

By the way... Nice one, Jon. Short and to the point, and apparently helpful.


rigley said...

What makes you think this blog ain't about blasting former employers? I'm pretty sure that was in the charter, somewhere...

grimmjak said...

Well good. Glad I got in the first shot.

grimmjak said...

okay the second shot. Andy was pretty negative, I suppose.